"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, May 28, 2012

End of the School Year Activities

Claire's end of the year class party-- they decorated and assembled little wooden airplanes.  Then we went outside to fly them.  We also played several other games, had snacks, and ended with a treasure hunt.

 Jenna's Enrichment Fair project-- a powerpoint presentation on the history of the Olympics.  Plus a cool Olympic flag she made.
 Claire's beloved 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Swacina.
 Another powerpoint presentation-- this one made by Jenna and 2 of her friends-- with pics from their school year.  Neat to see these presentations on the smart boards.
 Jenna's beloved 3rd and 4th grade teacher, Miss Murphy.  Sadly, Miss Murphy is not planning to switch to 5th grade next year. :)  
Also, on the last day, Katie's music teacher asked her to sing a solo for the awards assembly.  She only had 2 days to prepare, and one of those days was totally spent at Hershey Park. :)  We figured out we could download the accompaniment track from iTunes and she took it on her iPod into school.  It was a beautiful song-- Angel by my Side.  I was so proud of her!  She sings with great pitch and dynamics.  I hope she gets more chances to sing next year.  She should, since she'll be in HIGH SCHOOL.  Whoa!  She's going to be on the high school worship team that sings for chapels, etc. so she should have plenty of chances to be in front of people.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the song, Katie! I hope too that you get plenty of opportunities to showcase your lovely voice. And how cool that you know how to make Powerpoint presentations, Jenna! It's funny to think that you guys are probably more computer-savvy than your parents & uncles & aunts because you've been exposed to this technology pretty much from birth. I can't say that I know how to make a Powerpoint presentation, so I better learn or I might just become obsolete. : )
