"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wedding Day, May 7

Saturday was wedding day! Jeremy married Danielle Marie St. John, and now there are 4 Mrs. Wingerts. :) It was a very simple, pretty wedding in a lovely setting.

Anita read part of I Cor 13 during the ceremony.

Chad was one of the groomsmen, along with his brother, Nathan, and one of Jer's friends, Dave.

All of the Wingerts, except Danielle. (Why wasn't she in this pic?) We're outside the library where the wedding was, with the Yampa River behind us (Chad and I tubed down that river back in 2006).

Micah wasn't very happy about the picture-taking, but it was a beautiful day to play outside! During the wedding, he and Lily and Caleb played in the library with one of Jer and Dani's friends.

Nathan with Madison (one of the flower girls) and Caleb

I played piano for the ceremony.

Jenna and Madison. Jenna passed out programs before the wedding.

Lily and Claire. Claire passed out little containers of bubbles.

Katie was a beautiful junior bridesmaid. She wasn't feeling very well, and even felt like she was going to pass out during the ceremony; but she looked great!

Don and Anita, Dani and Jer

Three brothers

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