"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Potty Party Pooper

On May 17, 2011, our calendar says "POTTY TRAIN" in big letters. This was so I couldn't back out or schedule anything on top of it. And, we definitely did try yesterday, but Micah was a party pooper once again. :) Shouldn't really blame him; he's just not ready. I am. He's not.

I really knew before we started that we were doomed. I've got a book that has helped us with potty training ideas for all our kids, and it lists some signs for potty training readiness. Out of the 8 primary signs, Micah has only ONE of them. However, he also has a mom that really wants him potty trained. Doesn't that count?

So we tried yesterday. And he did something in the potty several times yesterday, and really enjoyed the chocolate chip reward. Then I'd set the timer for 15 min. A couple times he made it to the 15 min staying dry, but mostly he was wet in 15 min. I went thru a lot of laundry!

And I've decided to wait again. Guess we'll buy some more diapers. Will make for easier summer traveling, tho.

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