"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Driving thru Steamboat back to The Porches, where the reception was held.

Kids enjoyed the bubbles!

The reception was held in The Barn, which I guess you'd call the clubhouse for The Porches. It's where Jer works as a concierge. Very lovely building, as is everything owned by The Porches.

Jer and Dani cutting their cake-- yummy coconut cake and a variety of cupcakes. The food was very unusual and good-- fun to try different things. I wish I could tell what we ate. Mostly vegetarian. A couple frittatas, one with broccoli. An asparagus crepe I'm sure my mom would have loved. :) Strawberry/cream cheese dessert crepe. There were also a few coffeecake and fruit type things that the kids liked.

Micah with Danielle. That may be the best smile we captured from him all weekend. I think he likes her. :)

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