"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, May 23, 2011

Big Bike Ride

On Saturday Chad and Katie took a 9-mile bike ride from our house to Hedgesville. Katie did great, even on all those hills! The rest of us came in the van and caught up with them about 1/2 mile from the softball field which was our destination. Katie wanted to get in the van right there, but Chad talked her into going the whole way. She did it! And hardly looked worse for the wear afterward. She was a little sore the next day, tho.

Here they had a cracker and drink break beside a pond. You can see everything is VERY green! We've had so much rain the past couple weeks-- it's been good to help the lawns recover from the drought last year, but with the flooding issues, everyone is now ready for the rain to slow up.

We went to a girls' softball game that our neighbor, Taylor, was playing in. Fun to see her play and sit with her family.

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