"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


2 Micah topics:

Yesterday, I was changing Micah's diaper when he said, "Mommy?" I said, "Yes, son?"

I guess I never use that word with him, because he said, "I'm not SON, I'm MICAH." To which I laughed. Then he was quiet for a bit and my mind started going in a different direction. Then he said, "Mommy, you're a star." I said, "Thanks!" wondering why he said that. Then he said, "You're a star and I'm a sun." Now I got it!

The other topic to share is just how privileged I feel to have changed the stinky diaper of a 3-year-old in an airplane bathroom. :) Never did I hope for that privilege, but it sure did provide an interesting experience. Esp since he is longer than the bathroom is wide. There's a skinny little flat board that folds down out of the wall... since he couldn't fit lengthwise, I had him diagonal (and he was very nervous about this, so I got him singing "There were 10 in a bed and the little one said Roll Over! and that lasted a while) and his FEET were in the SINK. And, if you could see the proportions here, you would understand that the stinky diaper was barely still on the "table". I was a little worried about it falling down, and into the toilet, and creating a big mess on the way. So, I got the diaper changed and had him sitting on the table, but his pants and shoes were off. And I couldn't reach them because I had dropped them to the floor and there was no way to bend over to get them. So I had to open the bathroom door, and in full view of the airplane passengers (we were in the front bathroom), I had to finish dressing him.

Exciting adventure! And, if now you're saying, "When are you going to potty train that kid??" It's on my calendar, in big letters so I can't back out, for next Tuesday, the 17th. :) We'll see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Changing diapers when we are out and about has been an issue for a while now with us. Heidi freaks out to be on a raised surface when changing her diaper. She is fine to stand on any high surface, but lay her down and watch out! Most of the time we've been lucky that it is only wet and we can do it standing up, or find a patch of grass. Don't know what we would do in you situation. Sure was funny to read about it though :) Let us know how the potty training goes. Keep waiting for Heidi to train herself. Starting to wonder if she really will or not... There was one 15 min interval that I let her go without a diaper. Mess all over. Decided I can't handle that for a while :) Wow! What a long comment! Should have just emailed:)
