"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Kids Praise Night

This evening was our last Children's Choir of the year-- we took up probably 40 min of the pm service. Each of the 3 groups sang a few songs, the kids handbells group played a few songs, and several piano students played as well. The kids all did a terrific job!

In the pic, Claire is in the purple dress in the middle front. Jenna is kind of right behind her.

My group got to sit by the woman who was interpreting for the deaf, so it was fun to watch her as well. :)

After this, we went back to our regular room and partied! Well, I let the kids run around in the gym for 10 min while some ladies prepared our food, and then we ate lots of junk. Ice cream with toppings and other snacks. It was a fun way to end the year.

As much as a I enjoy children's choir, I sure look forward to having the summer off, too.

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