"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


We arrived Thur pm, just after Nate and Wendy and kids arrived from their long CA to CO road trip. Don and Anita had been there since Tues. Jer's friend Dave also stayed in the house with us, and so did Nate and Kate (friends of Jer's and Nate was the officiant for the wedding) with their adorable little baby. Enjoying the pool at The Barn, a short walk from our condo. I thought the air was chilly when they got in, but the sun was warm! It probably got up to 70, and the water was 85ish?

Madison and Caleb play pool their own way. The bottom floor of our condo had a pool table, foosball, large TV, and we brought our Wii. We watched old home videos, too.

Of course, we had lots of great food. :) Micah's enjoying a huge cookie (and it made a huge mess). Probably my favorite of the weekend was the Qdoba's taco bar we had for the rehearsal dinner. There were lots of leftovers, so we were able to have it for another meal, as well.

The kids went on several walks (nice way to get them out of the house :). Micah and Caleb couldn't get enough of throwing stones into the ditches. I was sure someone would fall in the water sometime, but they never did.

This is the Yampa River, behind the library parking lot.

Snow was melting like crazy (they had a crazy amount of snow this year, and every year-- how much, Jer?) so there was plenty of water around.

Caleb, Madison and Claire standing on snow on Mother's Day.

The men took the kids out for an early walk on Mother's Day, so the mothers could have a little peace. I packed. :) After a long walk around the neighborhood, most of them also walked to the market for donuts.

Newlyweds, Jeremy and Danielle Wingert!

Nathan, Jeremy, Chad

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