"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Travel Home

Chad and Micah check out all the snow. Right about here is also when we discovered we'd taken The Porches' garage door opener with us by mistake. :( Chad's mailing it back today.

Waterfall and water wheel along the road.

Saying goodbye to our VW minivan rental. Kids loved how the windows in the back rolled down. We'll have to look for that feature on our next van! I loved all the space in the back.

When we got to the airport, we discovered our plane would be delayed more than an hour. So we took our time getting over to our gate. We got on the first car in the underground train that takes people to the concourses-- we all enjoyed that. Fun to be able to see where you're going. They had installed hundreds of pinwheels in the wall, so it was fun to watch them as we "flew" past.

Other than that delay, it really was an uneventful trip home. Some of us slept on the plane. All the kids slept in our van on the way home from Baltimore. We arrived a little before 2am. We got everyone into bed, unloaded the van, and then Chad went to school to work. Figured he'd rather get to his extra work before all the people arrived. I went to bed!

Mondays are my big lesson day, starting at noon at school. The girls slept in and then I took them to school at noon with me. Chad went home right about then and went to bed for a few hours.

It's interesting to see how the time change/travel affects sleeping patterns. This morning, Micah slept til 8am! That's pretty unusual. Usually, he comes running out around 6:30am when the girls are getting ready for school.

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