"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, July 29, 2013


A week ago, our van broke down next to 81, very near home.  Chad and I sat in the dark and in the rain until a neighbor picked me up and the towtruck came.  Worked out well that it was not on one of our airport runs, and that it wasn't me out alone with the kids, and that it was a week when Jenna was at camp.  (only 5 fit in our car)  5 days until our van got fixed.  Pretty expensive, but I was thinking we might to buy a new vehicle, so this was a much better outcome.  Ask Chad if you want more details.  I do my best to stay out of vehicle issues, and I never want to know the actual amount when we have to pay the big bills.  My brain doesn't do well with numbers like that.  I work better in $15 piano student increments or in $150 grocery bill increments. 
Very thankful to have our van back and have it working well!  It's a little tough to go back to one vehicle.  We did that for 11 years, but that was before our kids were old enough to be involved in so many things!

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