"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, July 22, 2013

CA trip Tuesday

Tues am we met Don and Madison/Caleb/Lily at the park they frequent.  Lion Park.  Kids played on the equipment, played with bubbles, rode bike, did some batting practice.


Tues afternoon we went to a sprinkler park in Tulare.  What a great idea-- kids just love this, and so did I.  

After a BK run (including plenty of time for the kids to run off steam in the play area), we went to the farmer's market in Tulare so we could see Nate's booth.  We had fun looking around at the booths and trying samples.  Also ate some shaved ice (Tiger's Blood :).  Jenna and I really enjoyed looking at the cut and polished stones at one man's booth. 
Micah liked the cheese booth-- not for the cheese (weird kid, he doesn't like cheese) but for the friendly man with the goofy hat. 
See Nate's name up on his canopy?  We met a few of his team members and heard him use his Spanish with some of the visitors to his tent.  Pretty cool to be able to go back and forth.  He and Katie did some Spanish conversing later, too.

The little kids took a ride on the train.
Here you can see a pic of our rental van (we enjoyed the fun bells and whistles), but the reason I wanted the pic is because you can see how it looks like we parked in a sandbox.  That's just the way it is along the roads.  Not much of a mowing problem there!

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