"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, July 29, 2013

Swimming Lessons

Micah and Claire are taking swimming lessons.  2 weeks, 8 lessons, 45 min each lesson, both at the same time.  Evening.  Outdoors (HOT for the adults who have to sit and watch-- thankful it's not been nearly as hot this time as some other years when I've done this!).  Williamsport pool. 
They are loving the lessons!  This is a Red Cross program, and the instructors do a terrific job.  
See Micah with all his girls? :)  Actually, there's one other boy.  One of the girls cries all thru every lesson, and 2 other girls are often crying as well.  Yippee.  Funny, they still will swim when it's their turn, tho. 

Here's Micah doing "Sleepy Head"-- floating on his back. 

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Claire & Micah! I'm proud of you for enjoying your swimming lessons rather than crying all the way through them. :)
