"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, July 22, 2013

CA trip Thursday

On Thursday, we drove out to the coast.  Caravanned with 2 vans and 12 of us.  Interesting scenery along the way!  It's not a place I'd like to live, but it was fun visiting and experiencing it. 
Hillside with sandbags, I guess to stop erosion

Pretty barren and sandy.  Looks like it would be sweltering hot, doesn't it?  The couple weeks before we came, they had all days of over 100.  Like in the 110 range.  Our week, tho, it was only 95ish.  And, because it wasn't very humid, we all were pretty comfortable.  On the other hand, at home in WV, it was the hottest week of the whole summer so far.  100 and humid.

We saw so many immense fields of so many different crops!  Tomatoes (passed several tomato trucks on the way to San Jose), avacados, fruits and nuts, and lots of grapes.

A 50's style McDonalds.  Does anyone know if that used to be their logo?

Elvis was in McD's!

When we got to the coast, we walked out on this path.  Pretty chilly, and got much colder as we walked.

Had lots of fun exploring

Drove to another area for lunch-- Morro Bay area.  It was frigid!  Amazing when it's so hot inland.  We saw 60 degrees on the car thermometer when in the town near there, but it had to have been real-feel temp of 40ish when we were down by the water!  We had sweatshirts and blankets and towels on.  No one was in the water, except one man we saw kite surfing with a wet suit on. 

Caleb at the visitor's center

Trying to keep warm while we ate lunch
A cream separator in the museum.  Thought dad might like to see it. 

Walked down to the water at another spot.  This had some tide pools that were fun to explore.  Hermit crabs and starfish and snails, etc. 

And some fun rocks to climb on.  With Caleb's propensity for getting hurt, some of us were pretty nervous about him climbing around on these rocks, but he did great!

Went to yet another area that was mostly sand.  In fact, the sand was blowing in our eyes. 

Morro Rock

Caleb flying a kite

Caleb and Madison made some sandcastles

On the way back to Visalia

Claire saying goodbye to Ginger, the Outfleet's dog that the kids enjoyed VERY much.  What a sweet dog!  If only I weren't allergic and we could be guaranteed to have a dog like that... I'd be very tempted. 

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