"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Jenna's Tohiglo Adventure

Remember last summer I told you about my experience at Camp Joy El? Well, this year we decided to try something different. I spent the week of July 21 at the preteen week of Camp Tohiglo (to His glory). I will try to briefly explain the week's events. My counselors, Lorissa and Annie, are mother and daughter. They were very nice. Luckily, their house is right down the camp's driveway, and they could do our laundry during free time. :) After we got settled, we hiked the Agony Hike, a trail through the woods up to the dining hall. Normally it would only take a minute to walk to the dining hall, but we went the long way. It wasn't as agonizing as it sounds, except for the thorn bushes surrounding the trail. Sunday night, we (all the campers) watched "Facing the Giants". Every evening for the rest of the week, the whole camp did something together. Monday night was "mud night", because the rain ruined what they already had planned. We played Superman tag (to unfreeze someone, you had to slide under them) and tug-of-war (the first team to pull the other into the foot-deep mud pit wins!) Tuesday was Water Olympics. We had competitions like Biggest Splash, Craziest Dive, etc. Wednesday was Skit Night. Each Cabin had to make up a skit and perform it in front of the whole camp. Our cabin, cabin 6, did the Last Supper, Hippie Style! I wish I had a video to show you. My friend Jordan was Jesus, and the rest of us were disciples. We put on eyeliner goatees and sunglasses. Wednesday was also the day Beautiful Bob performed (they call him that because he wore pink jewelry and stuff.) A counselor threw eggs at him and he hit them at the audience like the eggs were baseballs. Next, he whacked bags of  mashed potatoes and beans with the baseball bat so that the stuff splattered us. He also threw kiwis at us. This wasn't my favorite, but most people enjoyed it. Thursday was counselor hunt. All the counselors hid somewhere in the camp's property and us campers had to find them. Each one was worth 100 Cabin Points. I didn't find any. :( Friday we had to clean up all the trash around the cabins. And we had to leave. :( I didn't want to go home, but I got to bring home all the things I made in my activities. (Oh, I forgot. Every day we had three activities that we chose. I chose drawing -we drew superheroes because the theme of the week was Superhero- hemp -we made bracelets out of hemp- and perler beads -where you  iron together these little hollow beads and it makes a picture.) So I had a great week, even better than at  Joy El, and I'm looking forward  to going again next year. 
beautiful sign :)
three of the girls in my cabin- you know one of them!
beautiful cabin
Lorissa, me, and Annie
This is where most people went for free time- there's a soccer field, Gaga pit, an you can barely see the snack shop. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lot of fun, Jenna! I'm not sure about the food-splattering part (and it sounds like you weren't a big fan of that either), but everything else sounds very memorable. I think my favorite parts would have been the group skits and the Water Olympics. Thanks for taking the time to describe your camp experience in such vivid detail!

    Uncle Jer
