"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Independence Day

Wonderful water party at Eric and Lea Anne's to celebrate July Fourth.  
They have a slope perfect for a long slip and slide.  Also did water balloons (with a balloon launcher that REALLY launched the balloons!) and Eric had made a sort of sprinkler tunnel. 

They had made several fun red/white/blue treats-- ask Claire about the strawberries she ate!

Adorable, isn't he?  This is Levi.

Katie and Heidi have a jam session

For fireworks, we went up on the hill in the corn behind the Krol's house.  Neat way to see fireworks far in the distance from several different locations.  Fun to see all the fireflies over the corn.  And mom sent glow bracelets for the kids; and Lea Anne had sent sparklers.  Very memorable!

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