"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, July 22, 2013

CA trip Cabin in the Mountains

We drove straight from San Jose airport to cabin in the mountains by Shaver Lake.  Long drive late at night.  We were very exhausted on some very twisty roads.  Thank the Lord for safety. 
It was a beautiful cabin.  Lovely spot. 

Chad with Madison

Nate and Caleb, Chad and Micah, Don and Lily


All the kids

Micah and Caleb had a great time together.  Very little fighting.
Loving corn!

An afternoon at Shaver Lake-- see Chad and Claire out on the rock?

No where near as pleasant as Holland State Park, but the kids had fun.  Rocks jutting up from the bottom of the lake made for some sore toes, and somehow Jenna didn't get sunscreen all over so she got burned in some odd patterns.  Fun climbing on rocks and watching the kids have fun. 

Madison enjoying the smores we made in the fireplace.

All the scavenger hunt participants showed what they found-- and Gma judged. 

Gpa found a caveman brain

The room we shared with the 6 of us.  Nice big one with several beds. 

Ate most of the meals out here. 

Gma reads to the little kids
The whole group posing outside our cabin.  Jeff and Loine on the right-- had a great time with them-- so glad they came!

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