"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Last week, Micah fell down and knocked a front tooth out.  Not very bloody, but very sore.  Whole thing came out with the root.  Somehow, it makes him look older. 
 He was very happy that the tooth fairy came!
 It took him probably 3 days to eat and drink normally again, but now he's fine with it all.  Enjoys showing it off to people. 
This week he's nursing a scraped up leg.  The week before the tooth, he had a couple different toe issues.  Haven't had an emergency room visit yet.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I wonder if I actually kept track how many injuries we have per day around here... Caleb banged up his toe pretty good the other day and has a nice scrape on his elbow. Logan has a nice little cut on the bridge of his nose from throwing something up and it coming back down and hitting him. And Mike's always coming home with a new scrape or cut, too! I said something awhile back to him wondering how long it would be before we're going into the ER with a broken bone, and he said for as crazy as he and his brothers got they never had a broken bone...
