"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, July 27, 2012


Stopped at the Rio Mall on our way to the cabin.  It's about an hour and a half from here?  We left WV, drove thru Winchester, VA, then back into WV.  It's still somewhat fascinating to me, even after all these years of living here, that we go in and out of states so often.  Still in my mind, that's something you do only on vacations.  However, I do that to get to the grocery store; and Chad and the kids do that every day to go to school.
 Obviously, the Rio Mall is a high-class junk collection.  If you want, you can dig thru and maybe find some treasures.  Our girls were so disgusted by the look and smell of things that they couldn't get past that and hunt for treasures.  They just wanted to get out of there. 

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