"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Salute to Independence

Friday night, our college friends, Jeff and Laurie, and their girls, Lia and Kyli, came to visit.  Stayed all day Sat.  Was really fun catching up with them-- since they live overseas much of the time, we don't see them often.  While they are here, they are trying to fit in as much of seeing America as they can. :)  We went with them to the annual Salute to Independence-- the Fourth of July concert and fireworks at Antietam Battlefield. 
Usually about 30,000 people show up for this event.  Parking and traffic afterward are terrible, and usually people's blankets/lawn chairs are right next to each other.  Because of the heat, the numbers were down quite a bit.  So, we suffered with the heat, but benefitted from it as well!
Chad and Katie were there, too.  Just not in this pic.
Micah by the OK-looking corn beside the concert area. 
The cannons they set off later during the 1812 Overture. 
Governor O'Malley was there-- did a special reading on Lincoln while the orchestra played.
 The Maryland Symphony Orchestra-- great music!
 Lots of people, still.  Chad walked around and found probably at least 12 different families he knows.
 Great sunset behind us.

This is how Micah and Claire prepared for the 1812 overture. :)  They then had some great fireworks-- it's been a while for us.  Partly because our kids were so scared by them, we've avoided them for a while.  These went really well, even tho a certain member of our party didn't at all enjoy the finale-- too loud, too bright, too smoky, fireworks looked too close.  And then a long walk back to our car.  At least it was dark and quite a bit cooler-- plus it was downhill this time!

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