"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hull House

Chad took J and C to the Hull's house last week.  The Hulls are missionaries from our church.  They own a house in Hancock, MD.  George Michael is in charge of getting people to stay there.  For insurance reasons, they have someone there at least every month.  Chad was happy to check it out for a free night of fun.  Girls thought it was the best place ever.  Sorry my pics are in a funny order.  Here they are ready for bed. 
 This is them taking a ride on the rail trail (starts in Big Pool) the next morning.  The heat has been a little tough. They rode 5 miles, tho!

 View from the Hull's porch

 Treehouse at the Hull's
 Beautiful setting.  I think Chad and I will be heading there for a night away soon.

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