"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Washington County again

Well, this is the year Claire gets to do the Washington County project.  She chose to work on the "outside Hagerstown" option, and she's going to do a blog instead of a scrapbook.  Once she figures that out, we'll have to let you know so you can check it out.  She and I went to get started on it last Tues. 
 First place we stopped was Wilson's Store-- and we found out that they are only open Wed-Sat.  Strike out!  We'll have to go back. 
 Very nearby is WCRH (local Christian radio station with very high tech new building/set up.  When we pulled up to the door, we found that business hours end at 3pm and it was 3:06!  I parked to figure out what to do.  Claire said, "Where does Mrs. Swacina live?"  Mrs. Swacina was Claire's teacher this past year, and her husband is the director at Cedar Ridge (boys home connected to WCRH).  I looked it up and found out she was next door!  We thought we'd just drive by, but she was out working on her windows, so we stopped in.  Her husband heard us and he got his key-- gave us a personal tour of WCRH.  Turned out great!
 This is Claude Zimmerman, one of the announcers.  We saw him on air for about 2 seconds.  Said the temp and the time and that was it. :)
 Then we went to the C and O Canal museum, right in Williamsport. 

 Above is the turning pond for the canal.  Below is the bridge for Rt. 11 and beyond that is an old railroad trestle?  I can't remember if that's what it is called.  It could lift the railroad up so boats can go thru the canal. 
Then Claire and I went to Bob Evans and a park.  Lovely afternoon together!

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