"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, July 9, 2012

kt's trip . i did this slightly late sory

harold here xD   i had a hottttt trip to ifca at Taylor university in indiana last week of june . for you unknowers ifca is like a youth conference, they switch it around the country every year  and the ibc quiz team went . our teams did really well i think it was the best weve done like ever :) one of the senior teams and one of the novice teams both got first place . and theres a lot of quiz teams at ifca ...so i think we did amazing  :) well my novice team got 3rd place in the division which isnt bad i guess. 

well every day we had at least an hour of quizzing . we were undefeated so we went on to the championship , but we lost  :'( hahaa  but i quizzed out on monday so that pretty much satisfied me for a day :) (quiz out = 5 correct questions that you buzzed in on , again for all you unknowers) but then the next day i froze -_- ( 3 incorrect buzzes HAHAHAHA BUZZES IS A FUNNY WORD ) so i could only get referrals but i couldnt buzz at all .  the next day we were practicing before a quiz , and i didnt feel well , like i didnt think i could survive a whole quiz and it would probly be worse with all the pressure and ..tenseness ...yea anyway so i just took a 4hour nap in my dorm room and skipped the quiz . we lost that quiz and i felt a lot better afterwards  :) and im so sure that loss was completely my fault :D jk
oh and on thursday it was like  a really close quiz, like by 20 points, and our coach told us , okay the only way we can win  is to buzz before they get it.  sooo i was totally ready to do this, and they started the question and 2 words into it i buzzed !!! :) lol !!! i was proud of myself but i realized it is almost impossible to actually get this question right :) cuz i had to finish the question to :) yea and im like..oh this is bad.. hahaa but i tried and i attempted finishing the question and it was a valid question but not the right one :( so i was sad for like 5 seconds because people thot it was funny and i apparently did well earlier in the quiz . so yes yes that was satisfying .

there was other things beside quizzing -praise the Lord- there was sports tournaments and i was in the volleyball one, i enjoyed warming up because thats the only time i got to touch the ball . =) we failed epically after the second game so we got absolutely nowhere . the teams were organized by a teen from the church so therefore i was in an ibc team.  the only ibc team . and it had to be co-ed . which is why i never got to touch the ball .
there was a message every evening by this guy his name is Sean Patrick , hes a missionary in africa and it was cool . and anyone going to ifca could do a MTA if they wanted to ( music training area ) but they had other things for MTAs like pastoring stuf and puppets and drama and yeah . i did not do a MTA .
but i watched the people from our church do theirs. and they all did awesome :)

the food...okay so most of you probly all been in college but hey think of me... i guess i had to look reality right in the face . they had breaksticks and pizza every single day ( no joke) and after the first day the breadsticks were inedible and if i dropped in on the plate it made a insanely loud noise and bounced off . yes it was ..sad .  and the first day they had these big pieces of chicken and it seemed like every day they cut them into smaller pieces so it would look like something different . padre y madre said that was normal for college food but i think it was unjust treatment .

im sure you all are dying to hear about the bus ride  xD and theres so much to tell xD well it was loudddd....there was a guitar but no drums this time  ;)  when we got like 3 mins away from the church on the way home everyone started singing the Country Roads the John Denver version . beautiful .

i is done with my  post .  i hope you did not fall asleep . tell me if you did .
oh sory i dont have any pics .
love you ppl:):)


  1. I did NOT fall asleep Harold, and enjoyed your post very much.

  2. Girl, you are seriously attacking my slide into dementia! I had to THINK while I read you stuff...Sounds like a wonderful experience. I'm so glad you went, you did well, your team did well, and you learned all those verses -- eternal dividends. Keep it up!!!
