"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

my (jenna's) experience at camp joy-el

  I recently returned from camp. I had so much fun! There were ten kids in  my "ranch" (the summer's theme was wild west) and two counselors. my junior counselor was named Libby. I found out that my senior counselor, Hannah, was adopted from Ukraine when she was nine and grew up with a girl that was later adopted by a family we know!
  The meals were mostly great, except that the crust on the cheesy bread and the grilled cheese was hard as a rock. and that the cookies were hard on the edges and the chocolate chips melted when you touched them.and that the bacon was crunchy and had too much grease. and that the egg casserole didn't taste like anything. I had an awkward salad of bacon bits, broccoli, and cucumbers. I don't like lettuce.

  Every day we had a nap after lunch. nobody slept except Hannah, so we threw notes to each other. At the end there would be a big pile of paper in the room because if you missed, you couldn't get up and get it. after the nap every day we would have an activity like the pool (they called it the watering hole); water games like drip drip splash (its like duck duck goose) or a slip and slide made from a tarp and soap and water; joy riders (big hamster ball-like things with squishy bubbly walls); flying squirrel (a boring thing where they pull you up into the air and then let you down); etc.

  canteen was fun because once we got our food we could do whatever we wanted and go almost anywhere. in the canteen they had things like Popsicles, ice cream sandwiches, candy bars, slushies, and rice crispy treats. the list was very long.

  in our cabin the showers were tiny. there were seven bunks (fourteen beds). I had an empty bed under me. every day the camp had a different theme, so at cabin cleanup we would decorate the bed under me. one day we put sunglasses on pillow pets and put them down there. we donated our flip-flops and sunscreen for them to wear and hold. we opened our Bibles to the  day's verse and made it look like they were reading it. We also put a huge sun over them.

  On Wednesday we had what they called a Hoedown. we dressed our counselors into western clothes and had a contest to see which cabin looked the most western. we had a picnic of hot dogs or hamburgers, chips, and baked beans in the pavilion. They moved the picnic tables over and turned on music and people danced. there was an apple eating contest where the apples were tied onto strings hanging from the ceiling. there was a watermelon seed spitting contest and tug of war. they were teaching kids how to lasso a toy horse. they also had awesome homemade popcorn, which i didn't actually eat (i had a really loose tooth which came out the next day) I just heard that it was good.

  The only really bad thing was that we weren't allowed to wear flip-flops anywhere except the pool. We were late for everything because we had to put shoes on. but that doesn't make me change my mind. I still had a lot of fun.


  1. No flip flops?!?!?!? That is just about all I wear from march to November!

    Favorite line : I ate an "awkward salad". Love love love

  2. Where do you get "the meals were mostly great"? The only thing that sounded good is the popcorn you didn't eat!

    Did you have a speaker and songs and Bible study and all that? Love to hear about it. Where is this camp? Did you drive there, ride a bus, get a ride from your parents?

    You do a great job describing things in an interesting way. Love, love, love...
