"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Chic Boutique

The girls went to Gma's house for a few days earlier this week.  She had prepared "The Chic Boutique" in the pink and green bedroom.  They all went "shopping" and then tried on different outfits.  They had our camera along, and they took pics of each other.  (Thus some are a little blurry)  Here's a fun conglomeration, including one of the Madame Proprietor, or whatever her name was. :)  See if you can find my favorite pic.


  1. I'm guessing your favorite is Katie peeking out from behind the peacock fan? That's definitely a good one... although I love them all. Mom's so incredibly imaginative with the stuff she plans for her grandkids. She's 1 in 1,000,000!

  2. Nope! Guess again. That is near the top of the list, tho. Katie's got fantastic eyes. Oops, guess I'm bragging. :)

  3. All I can say is, ANITA, YOU ARE AMAZING!!!

  4. Jenna dressed as a " flapper"???
