"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Our Family Christmas Celebration

Finally, we were home long enough to have our own Christmas celebration-- on Jan. 4. Started with a yummy breakfast. Then Chad read the Christmas story while the kids acted it out. It was part listening, part fun and goofyness, part chaos.

Here's the chaos...

Here the wisemen were presenting gifts to baby Jesus. At first, Micah was supposed to be baby Jesus, but he was way too wiggly. For a while, he ran off to his room and was hitting pegs on his new workbench. Thus, Claire got a boy doll to be Jesus, and this worked much better.

One of Micah's gifts was a ring toss set. He likes it!
He also really liked the new bathrobe we gave him.

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