"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Date Week

I think I set a personal record. I went to 2 movies in one week. :)

It had been a while since the girls had been on dates with Daddy, and we had wanted to see the Narnia movie, so Chad took Katie to it on Tues afternoon. But, Jenna and I wanted to see it, too, so I took her on Wed afternoon. (We very much enjoyed it-- much better than the 2nd one in the series) Then Claire knew her date was coming up soon, and she was jealous because she wanted to see a movie, too. Worked out great that there was a movie we'd be OK with her seeing, cuz so often there's not-- right after school yesterday I took her to Tangled. This one was the most fun for me, because she laughed out loud, and very much enjoyed the whole experience (flippy seats, theater seating, dark theater, big screen). And it was a funny movie. She hugged me and said, "Thanks!" afterwards.

So, I usually see one or two movies a year. Here I saw 2 in 3 days.

We were back in school Thur and Fri. Nice to have a short week. Hey, there's an inch of snow outside this morning! If that had happened yesterday, we might not have had school.

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