"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Sunday, January 9, 2011

PA Farm Show

Saturday we went to the PA Farm Show in Harrisburg. We parked at HACC and took a shuttle to the Farm Show Building. We had an inch of snow on the ground, as you'll see. This was exciting when we were home, and the girls wanted to stay home to play in it; but when we were walking in it, it wasn't as much fun. Claire complained about wet on her shoes and pants. I had not attached her hood to her coat, so she was also worried about getting snowflakes in her hair. So, being the inventive girl she is, she took a scarf she had in the van to play with, and fashioned it into a hat-- had me tie the tails together in the back so it would stay on her head. She loved it! Katie was totally embarrassed. One large room had lots of tractors and machinery and vendors. Turkey Hill passed out free cups of ice cream that the kids (except Claire) loved. Claire really liked getting on a few of the tractors.

Micah thought he was big stuff on this Massey-- sure a lot cleaner and newer than the Massey I grew up with. :)

Claire was just fascinated with some of the animals-- esp horses and alpacas. Several times later in the day, she told me she wanted an alpaca. And, "I wish I were older so I could get an alpaca." and, with tears in her eyes, "It'll be such a long time til I'm an adult and I can get an alpaca."

FYI-- Alpacas are cousins of llamas. Alpacas are smaller, raised for their soft wool fiber. Llamas coats are rougher and they are raised as work animals.

We all enjoyed watching the Duck Slide. Don and Anita were with us, and she said she remembers them doing the Duck Slide at the Farm Show when Chad was little; and that he was fascinated with it then, too. There are probably 10-15 ducklings in there; they head up the ramp on the one side so they can get to the small can of food that hangs off the top of the ramp. The crowd of ducklings push the end ones off so they go down the slide into the water.

Watched some chicks hatching. This is slow business, and those poor things look so exhausted when they make it out. Fascinating process.

Saw a little of the auction-- hogs when we were there. The auctioneer's speech pattern (does that have a name?) was very interesting-- we could hardly understand a thing he said. And we were all careful not to rub our noses or pat our heads, and thus, inadvertently buy a hog.

Butter sculpture. Made with more than 1,000 pounds of butter. There's got to be a metal rod support system under that butter, right?

Micah and Claire, and even several older members of the family, enjoyed playing in the corn bins. They put out corn like it's a sandbox. With sand toys and toy tractors, etc.

And a carousel ride! Watch the video way below and you'll see if the kids liked it or not.

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