"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, January 28, 2011

Snow Day Fun

I thought I'd let you in on how we spent our first snow day this week... Katie and Jenna (and I) did this 300-piece puzzle-- they really enjoyed it and it went VERY quickly. Then I started a very hard 1000-piece one that I'm still only 1/10 of the way thru...
The girls played hard all day, and had a great time together. It's such sweet music when they have so much fun together! (Micah played with them sometimes, and other times he had to be occupied elsewhere) Above is the tea party they had.

Claire and her cockatoo sat in a "nest" for a while.
Katie invented a feather game-- they had to blow it into the other person's area. This proved to be very loud and hilariously funny for them. You see they have leotards and tutus on. They also danced around the living room for a while.
They played outside for while, but most of the snow came later in the day. So on Thurs, they played out much longer-- Katie and Jenna were out there for hours.

The below pic is from Thursday, after the 8 inches of heavy snow came.

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