"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Little Wingert Update

I called last week "Date Week"; this week may be called "Sick Week". It has been a fairly pleasant sickness, tho, so I am thankful for that.

Saturday at the Farm Show, Jenna had no energy-- I wondered if she was getting sick. Sure enough! Sun thru Tues she spent at home. Mon she spent the WHOLE day in bed. Had no energy to do anything. Had a sore throat and slight fever. Now her nose runs, but we decided she was good enough to go to school today (after our 2-hour delay for 2 inches of snow). She's been very perky since she got up Tues morning.

Micah had a rash on Sunday, so we didn't let him go to church. Itchy rash. No other symptoms til Mon. Now he's had a slight fever ever since Mon morning. His nose runs, too. However, if I keep Tylenol in him, he's been pretty active. And he's enjoying having sisters home to play with him-- and I'm enjoying that they are all sick with, I assume, the same thing, so I don't worry about them staying away from each other.

Claire last night told me her "neck" hurt. She still has trouble distinguishing if she's referring to neck or throat. Upon investigation, I found she was referring to her throat; and this morning, she has a cough, too. So, even tho she has tons of energy right now (she and Micah are running around playing puppy with each other), we kept her home from school-- thinking she might be getting the same thing.

Bummer about sickness and weather problems on Mondays is all the lessons I miss. 10 lessons is quite a chunk of income to give up. However, I was still able to do them all, since Chad came home to stay with the sickies while I went to school, and Katie stayed downstairs with sickies while I did the home lessons. It was also crucial to do these lessons because we have a recital coming up on Feb 20; and, since we just had Christmas, many of the students need to be kicked back into gear. :)

Yes, we had snow last night-- 2 inches. The girls watched it and cheered. They were so excited about snow, and having school off. I was, too. I was really hoping for a whole day off. When the snow stopped at 9pm, Katie noticed and was disappointed. She was pretty upset about it this morning, too. Jenna wasn't, because she had just had 2 days off school. And Claire wasn't, cuz she's home today. But Katie's really missing out. Wishing she were sick, I think.

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