"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Snow Sick

Best thing about yesterday-- our Happy Boy came back. :) Micah hadn't been his regular happy self since the Sat we went to the Farm Show (10 days ago), but yesterday he was mostly normal! A big relief to all of us, since he was pretty fussy for a lot of that time.

All the girls are healthy right now. I just have a bit of a sore throat, but it's not getting any worse yet.

Other recent news here-- kids haven't been in school since last Fri. We had Mon off for the holiday, and yesterday turned out to be a day off. We thought it was just a delay for freezing rain on top of snow, so Chad took the kids to school, only to find no one there-- guess we missed the updated announcement that they had cancelled. Kids were thrilled cuz they had been pretty disappointed that it was only a delay.

And now, today, there's another delay for freezing rain again last night. You can be sure that we'll check for an update before we leave for school. :) I sure hope there is, tho-- altho we have fun when everyone's home, I don't get much of anything done. It's nice to sprinkle in those days and not have many in a row!

Very nice that the bad weather has been well-timed so that I've hardly missed any piano lessons-- esp important since we're preparing for recital on Feb 20.

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