"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Click & you'll see what its about

Hey its Katie! Im blogging about my week at Camp Joy El. This first pic is of my family and Lauralyn Brown's family. A random counselor is taking us to our cabin. This one is Lauralyn and I. We were lucky enough to get two top bunks beside each other. You know how I am- I couldn't wait to get it organized:) It was so cool because at rest time we could pass notes. I got about ten notes from other people within ten seconds--it got a little out of control--but I dont want to go into all those funky junky details.:)
This is one of my cabin mates, Greta. I made good friends with her.

Kylie was my junior counselor. We have a lot in common. I was one of the few people she had who also lives in West Virginia. We both are also purple freaks. :P

Hannah was my senior counselor. She has a disability but she's really fun.:)

Some other things we did were swimming (in a pool NOT lake), go-carts, Flying Squirrel (you go up a strong rope like 100 feet high or somethin like that in a harness thingamajig and you can see most of camp), really non-boring but sweaty whole-camp activities and stuff like so. There was sort of an accident involving me and a go-cart... but anyway... We had evening chapel and devotions with each of our counselors. Most of the food was purty good. Especially the grilled cheese and french toast. (Note: the french toast was immmersed in blobs of powdered sugar)

We had canteen twice every day. They had totally awesome snacks- Klondikes, slushies, candy, Drumsticks (not chicken, the ice cream), Icee's, and all that sweet junk:)

Unlike my father, I DID change my clothes every day of summer camp. If you have an urge to look more into that tale, you can check in with him. :) :) :) :)

All in all, I had fun. But I missed everyone I couldn't see. =) Luv u guys!


  1. If you want 2 know anything email me :):)

    I expect the most questions about the go-cart and...whatever :P


  2. Hey Katie! Great recap and pictures. Sounds like you had a lot of fun at camp. How long were you there? Where was the camp? How was your volleyball camp? I hope you are having a wonderful summer!

    Miss you,

  3. Love the report, Katie! Sounds like something special. Wish I would have had that kind of opportunity in the Olden Days. And, to think that you could do it with Lauralyn -- huge blessing. Are you able to correspond with your new friend? Love the new do, by the way. Looks like it worked well with the camp lifestyle. Oh, yeah, and I NEED to know about the go-cart! Love you lots!!! Grammy

  4. Do you normally change your clothes? How silly.

  5. i was at camp for a week. camp was in Greencastle, PA. v-ball camp was GREAT!! pray for my tryouts in a week or two.
    I got Greta's email address and HOPEFULLY she will respond to my message.

    i was in the cart with my new friend Allyson. she was insisting to drive but then she let me. i think she regrets it now. anyway, there's this red foot pedal. i thought it would bring me to an immediate stop if i pushed it, but apparently it slowed me down. if i had known that, it would have been good. but we weren't allowed to stop on the track unless it was the end of our turn. so i was driving peacefully on the road (peacefully to me is super-fast) and these other go-carts were ahead of me, slowing down. (either slowing down or i was speeding up.) i thought i would run into them because, of course, i didn't know how to slow down. so i pulled off into the grass. but i STILL didn't know how to slow down so i kept driving in the grass until i was ahead of them. they didn't let me go another lap because of my incident:(:)
    i did NOT get in trouble althought i did get told i can't drive like that. it was embarrassing because this does not happen on a normal basis.:) i was humiliated. im partially glad because i won't see most of those people again. hehehehehehehehehe


  6. oh and yeah i change my clothes--EVRY DAY actually!! amazing, huh?



  7. You do know that changing EVRY DAY is a sign of wealth, don't you? I've known people who only had one or two changes. You're rich!!!
