"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, August 27, 2010


On the third day of first grade, out pops Claire's tooth! And, wow, was she Excited! This tooth had been loose for a little while, but I had no idea it was that close to coming out. She was at school, had just eaten her whole lunch, and she felt something on her tongue. She reached into her mouth and felt a hole where the tooth used to be-- said something like, "My tooth just came out!" and I guess the whole class went crazy telling Mrs. Clark the big news. You know how a first grade class is-- everything's exciting and everyone's excited to announce news...

I didn't know about this happening at school. Tangene dropped the kids off Wed afternoon when she came with Devon for his lesson. Claire stood at the front door with her hand over a sticker on her shirt. I was looking at the hand, trying to figure out what she was covering up-- didn't look at her mouth right away. Totally shocked me when I realized what the big deal was. :)
This is the little tooth case Mrs. Clark gave her with her tooth in it.

Oh! And the tooth fairy did come... actually, there were a few of them because the other girls wanted to get in on the fun. Claire got a super ball, a cool stone, a few coins, 2 silly bands, and a tattoo. (Fake :)


  1. congrats claire! i can totally hear her voice exclaiming that her tooth came out :) :)

  2. i know right????!!!!!!!????? ican too!!!!!!!!!

    hehe haha hoho hee hee haa haa hoo hoo

    -Katie :D :P

  3. Tooth or no tooth, she still has a really cute 'tip of her nose'! Love you, Claire...
