"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, July 30, 2010

Chad's Date with a Pretty Girl

Last night, Chad took Claire out for a date-- she was so excited that she was jumping up and down. Boy, I wish I could bottle that! She looked forward to this for a couple days, since Chad asked her where she might want to go. She picked Jaydee's, a place they had gone before that has indoor slides (see below). She had lots of fun with that, but there are lots of other things that they had fun with this time as well. Go-kart (above) and waterslides, that she did repeatedly.

Some great Claire-faces. She is so expressive!

This was a well-timed date. Claire was feeling left out because Katie got to go to camp, and it looked really fun to sleep on the top of a bunkbed. And Jenna recently got to do swimming lessons. And "how come they get to do all the fun stuff?"

When he's on dates with the girls, Chad most often takes them to a restaurant-- this is part of the fun. But, for Claire, she's not all that excited about most restaurant experiences. She'd be really happy with a pizza place or with macaroni and cheese somewhere, but, otherwise, she'd rather have a homemade bologna or pbj sandwich. So I sent them with a picnic lunch, and they went to a park.

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