"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Prince Charming

Hey its KT......this is something Micah was saying 2day. He was soooooo cute!! Quite a young man......
My friends Savannah and Gabbie were here, the leftovers from my birthday party. They were pretending Jenna and Claire's room was a hospital or something. I had been playing Cooking Mama on the Wii but went 2 see what they were doing. Micah came RUNNING over to me in complete PANIC, with his little blue eyes huge. :) "Katie!! Katie!!!! Something's wrong!!!"
He grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall to the family room and the Wii. "Come on! Something's wrong with Cooking Mama!!" He is running as fast as his short chubby legs will carry him. Then when we arrive, a scowl forms on his face, and he takes charge. "Katie, sit down in this chair." he pats the brown leather chair. So I sit down. He thrusts the Wii remote into my hands and says, "Play Wii! PLAY WII!!"
so, yeah. I guess that was funny. :C :))
But he's soooooooooooooooo aDORable!!!!!!! Right at this moment, he is asking Claire VERY politely for the butterfly balloon. When Claire answers, he said, "Thank you, Claire," and smiles his way to the kitchen.
This entry was word for word, action for action. No syllables, contractions, or exclamations given or taken. Goodbye. I'm hungry. Bye :)) :P :)



  1. 0 comments????!!!!!!!!!!????????
    u have GOT 2 be kidding me!!!!

    ~Katie Lynnae

  2. well now there's one actually 2 hee hee


  3. Katie, I really enjoyed your description of Micah. I could really see him in the things you said! I had a little trouble reading the PURPLE font because of my internet situation with camping HOWEVER because it is PURPLE I knew I would have to enjoy it because I know PURPLE is Katie's favorite, right? So, in honor of Katie I'll push through the PURPLE!!! Love you, lots! Grammy

  4. he sounds like just the perfect little angel. :) you'd better save this to read at times when you want to be mad at him - like in a few years or so when he does something embarrassing in front of your boyfriend.

  5. BOYFRIEND! Yikes! All of your Auntie's must approve you know ;)

    I also loved the font color choice. Even more though, I suppose I could have been influenced by the color as well, but I so enjoyed your descriptive words! Do you write your papers at school with such an expressive voice?

  6. we got a chance to write cdescriptively at schoo today because we did a beginning of the year writing prompt.



  7. we wrote about the disadvantages and edvantages of being on a school sports team.. there were 2 other choices but I cant remember what they were but i did the one about school sports. :):)

