"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Yesterday was the first day of school-- the girls were SO excited. And they all had a great day. Katie's excited about a few changes that were made in the middle school and she's enjoying having several new people (inc foreign exchange students). Jenna said she loves her new teacher (who is new to the school this year)-- is very happy to be in 3rd grade. Claire also loved her teacher and class. Funny, her only negative comment was that they didn't write enough-- the only thing they wrote all day was their names! I assured her that the first day is always goofy; she likes to write and wants more of it! Micah went along with me to drop them off at school. Usually, the girls just ride with Chad, but this way he could go in a little earlier and I like to be there on the first day. So, when we got to school, Micah helped Daddy with traffic while I went to the kids' classrooms. And then Micah and I went home to an empty house-- weird! He really did well, tho. We get more time to read together, and he's getting more practice at playing by himself for longer periods of time: this morning he spent about 15 min playing with the drip of water that comes out of the outdoor spigot while I watered flowers and did a little weeding.
Claire's backpack has Tinkerbell on it, I think. She's pretty proud of it. :)

I love Jenna's smile in this pic-- she looked very pretty with her hair pulled back.

Here's Katie with her sparkley shoes and purse! I guess you probably can't see the sparkles real well on here, but she sure loves them. She looks so grown up. I love it and I want to cry--both at the same time. :)


  1. Okay. I'm crying. Maybe it's my allergies? I think I'd better go to lunch :) Does Jenna write in a journal?

  2. nope depends i guess whatever but i do...!


