"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Sleepover

We had told Katie she could have a party with friends for her bday this year-- we had it Tues pm, and it was a sleepover, so it went into Wed. Her first sleepover party! Actually, the girls were pretty good-- they got quiet by midnight.:) Cici's Pizza and tortilla chips for supper, decorated flipflops to take home, did silly string outside, ran thru the woods in the dark-- thought they saw a snake-- screamed so the whole neighborhood heard them, dressed up in my old formal dresses and did a few plays, played Wii, watched the old R&H Cinderella movie, slept in the family room.
All school friends, except one doesn't go to Grace anymore-- it was too far of a drive for them, I think. Back row-- Breanna and Cecil; Front-- Savannah, Katie, and Gabbie. Gabbie couldn't go to Grace this past year because of finances, but she's coming back! We are so excited-- such a sweet girl.
It was a purple party-- girls wore purple clothes, we had purple decor and paper products, and the cake was purple, sort of. I think it looked a little purpler than it does on our computer right now, but not much.

Chad took the younger 3 kids out to a park for a picnic for an hour and a half so Katie could have party time with just her friends, but Chad made sure they were back for Cake Time. And, Micah sure was excited about this! He has a very strong sweet tooth. Hey, Katie blew out all her candles in one breath!

I think our month of birthday celebrations is finally over. :) Happy 12th bday, Katie!!


  1. Hey, Katie's first birthday party was on June 24 -- almost TWO months ago! And, you managed a birthday party in Illinois and West Virginia. How about PA? Sounds like the party turned out really well. Happy birthday, one more time, Katie, from your Papa and Grammy...

  2. yikes my hairs gonna catch on fire!!!!!!!!!!!
