"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Quizzical Katie

Katie has joined our church's Bible quiz team. Even tho we watched Jer do it years ago, and we've seen it in our church a few times, this is our first real personal experience with it. It's a great way to memorize Scripture and have fun with a group people all doing it together. It's also a LOT of work. It's a bit daunting to her, but she's starting out great. In essence, she has to memorize about a verse a day. She will have Heb. 1-11 (249 verses) memorized by June. AND hopefully be able to understand and answer questions about them!

Because they constantly review as they learn new verses, the leaders tell me that she'll be able to recite all 11 chapters in about 25 minutes by June. She's got the first 3 verses down so far! :)

Besides weekly practices on Sunday afternoons, they have 3 trips to quiz against other teams in tournaments-- she's really looking forward to these. Dec 3-5 she (and I, hopefully!) will be going to Chicago, on a bus. April 15-17 she (and I, hopefully!) will be going to Grand Rapids, MI-- I imagine to Jenison Bible (my sister's church) again. And June 19-24 there's BIG trip to Oregon-- they fly for that. Because of the cost of that one, I highly doubt I'll be going along. The quiz team works for months to earn their own money for the trip-- people in the church will ask for team members to come and babysit or do yard work, etc, and then they make a contribution toward the trip.

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