"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, August 20, 2010

Doctor Girlz

Took Jenna and Claire to the dr today for a check-up. Actually, I took all 4 kids, but Katie (thankfully!) watched Micah out in the waiting room for me. Those examination rooms are dinky enough.

Jenna and Claire both passed with flying colors. :) It was nice for them to do it together, I think. They both were very cold (AC was cold and they had to wait without clothes on), so they cuddled with me. That was nice! Jenna was very quiet and agreeable, even for her one shot. Claire was silly and kept thinking the dr was tickling her-- esp once she found out she didn't need any shots!

The dr's very happy with their height and weight. Kinda interesting that Jenna's at the 25th percentile for height and 40th for weight, while Claire's at the 80th for height and 90th for weight. Both of which are great ratios. The nurse had checked their height/weight, wrote them down, and then went out to record them on the actual chart-- she came back in to double-check Claire's height-- she thought because it had been such a big jump maybe she had written it down wrong. She's just had a growth spurt!

The other point of interest: I knew that some years ago Jenna reacted to amoxicillin with all-over hives on the 8th day of taking it. So, I've always just reminded people of that when she's needed a med (which hasn't really been that often). I know our pharmacist made a note of that on their computer, so they'd catch it if she'd be prescribed something like that. However, it was never explained to me, til today, that she's allergic to penicillin-- all drugs with a "cillin" at that end. Because she reacted like that to an oral antibiotic, it could be much more serious if someone gave it to her in an IV, for example. The dr even thinks we should consider getting her a medical bracelet for when we travel. Hmmm. Hey, Lea Anne, didn't Boden react like that to amoxicillin, too?

1 comment:

  1. Yes. That is interesting. I hadn't had that explained to me either. hmmmm. Thinking I should look into that. I feel like I remember being told that he could grow out of the allergy? Boden was quite a bit younger than Jenna when it happened. Are you going to get her a band? Thanks for the info!
