"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Micah's still got a sore on his nose-- started before Christmas. Wasn't sure why it started, but I think I figured out at least why it continues. While he sucks his thumb, his pointer finger is often up on his nose-- maybe scratching. Hope I can get it healed up... hope he doesn't give himself a permanent scar on his nose.


  1. hey, having a scar on your nose isn't so bad...

  2. Hmm. Haven't thought about yours in years. I just thought it might be kinda lame for a grown man to explain his scar was from sucking his thumb. Michelle

  3. heidi constantly has skin gouged out from the bridge of her nose. combination of thumb sucking and nail growing way too fast.
