"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Letter Revelation!

The other day, one of the girls told me that Micah pointed out an "M"-- I kind of dismissed it. (Maybe I was too busy to give it much thought?) Today, he was on my lap as I was trying to type an email. He found the "D" key, pushed it and said, "D"! Hah!

This prompted me to do some checking. How many does he know? I got out our big floor letters (fit together like a puzzle) for him to play with. As I took each one off the stack to hook it to the others, I asked him what it was. He identified at least 7 correctly, and I think it might have been 9. His pronunciation is a little goofy, thus the confusion on G and J.

He very clearly said the other 7, tho-- I, U, M, T, Y, V, D. He's got to be a genius, right? :) He-he! He's 21 months old. When Katie was 18 months old, she could identify all 26 letters! She has always been so literary.


1 comment:

  1. I should have gotten his autograph when you were here!
