"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jex visit

We had a great weekend with the Jexes here! It was fun to catch up with them, to show them our PNG pics (of course, they knew better than us what everything was), and to watch our kids play (they had a great time together!). They were here from Fri noon through sometime after lunch on Sun-- not sure when they left because we had to leave before they did.

Kobe loved playing our Wii! It sure has been a big hit.

On Sat, we went to Grace. Stacy and I walked around the gym while the kids (and men :) played.

Aaron helped Chad clean up our computer and throw out a bunch of old unnecessaries. They got rid of Vista, which had gotten with our new computer last year-- and it had caused lots of problems. We are thankful for the help!

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