"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

MI trip after Christmas

Oops. These pics are in backward chronological order, and I don't know how to fix it. :) These first 2 are at the hotel pool in North Lima, OH, on the way home. Micah was pretty scared of the water-- didn't cry, but held on very tightly.

Here's Heidi, Eric and Lea Anne's little one year old!

We visited my Gpa Steenwyk at his retirement center on New Year's Eve. They were having a party for the holiday-- even did a toast with sparkling white grape juice!

The girls sang Silent Night and I played piano for 45 ? minutes during their lunch.

This is my gpa with his girlfriend, Lila-- really sweet lady!

For our Christmas project this year, we bought groceries for the Holland Rescue Mission. This is us delivering them.

Here we are buying them.

Here's mom, trying to make sure no one beats her to the good stuff.

Pic of me with my sibs-- first one we've done like this in many years! Mike, Michelle, Eric, Elizabeth... in age order

All the grandkids-- on couch: Nathan, Micah, Claire, Boden, Jenna, Heidi; on floor: Jason, Katie, Caleb, Logan, Natalie.
This is the first year the adults are outnumbered. :)

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