"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Grace Academy has had a mouse problem for some time. This we have known. However, in the last few days, at least one mouse has taken up residence ABOVE THE CEILING of Jenna's 2nd grade classroom. She says it's rather distracting. (I should say so! I don't think I'd get a stitch of work done!) I haven't heard about today yet, but for the last 2 days, they have had to listen to mouse sounds while trying to do their work.

Yesterday was Claire's teacher's bday. I had volunteered to make cupcakes for a little surprise party they gave her. Knowing Claire doesn't like frosting, I thought I'd see if she'd eat a plain one... she did and she loved it! She likes muffins, as long as they aren't chocolate or have chocolate or nuts in them, so she liked this, to0-- so much that she asked for one of the extras when they came home. I just had to scrape all the frosting off. (Crazy kid-- I could eat all the frosting and forget the cake!)


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