"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Rest of the Story

OK, now that I've caught up on sending you pics from our big trips, I'll add a few things.

Oh, if you all have pics you can share of our PA and MI trips, please send them!

School started again today. Problem with pipes is not totally fixed, but there's heat and water, and really there was very little damage. One rug in the K3 room got soaked, but not much else. Good thing someone was there to notice it.

I'm very glad they all went back to school! I'm glad we had the past 2 days-- we used them-- but it's so much more peaceful with just Micah here! I thought he'd be upset-- missing the girls-- but he's doing very well this morning, playing a lot on his own. He's so funny-- he loves to use the word "where?" and uses it often.

I'm finally caught up on laundry! Yikes, what a job. Thought I was done, but Micah has had a stinky problem so had messed several things. Maybe today I can go a whole day without doing any laundry!

Yesterday Katie made chocolate cookies (she LOVES to bake!) and Claire made applesauce muffins-- these are her specialty. She loves making and eating them. Micah begs for them now, too-- "Fuffins!"

Yesterday morning, Chad took Jenna on a date to IHOP and then several errands together. They had a great time together, of course. Best part (for me)-- they went to Home Depot and got parts to fix our kitchen sink. Yippee! I now can wash dishes with the faucet instead of just the sprayer nozzle. Chad ended up having to replace the whole hose, since he couldn't find a nozzle that would just screw on. He told me afterward that now he's thinking of being a plumber. NOT!

Chad and Jenna picked up Lauralyn and Bekah Brown, and they played here all afternoon-- very nice for all except Claire. These girls love to play together, and they don't get to as much now that the Browns live in Greencastle, PA. Poor Claire was feeling very left out, tho. This is a relatively new thing for her-- for so long, she was just oblivious to what was going on, and was happy to do her own independent thing.

I've jumped back into piano lessons this week. Hope to start Bunny back up again soon. Have 3 new students starting soon, I hope. Maybe even 4. We're working toward recital end of March.

Much of our snow is still here! This is very amazing. Usually, when we get a snow, it's gone within a couple days. This has been here for more than 2 weeks. The cold temps help-- and the volume of snow we got in the first place. We are starting to see some grass in our side yard (toward the Humbertson's fence), but still have a large pile where the tunnel was. Oops-- did I post tunnel pics? I'll have to do that out of order.

Forgot to tell about our trip home from MI-- the first leg went well. It was very nice to not have to go the whole way that first day. I think it would be ideal to live about 7 hours from Zeeland. Swimming in the hotel pool was lots of fun. Very nice to eat out at Perkins for supper-- hardly anyone there on a snowy New Years Day, so we had the whole back of the restaurant to ourselves. After that, tho, things went downhill. It was VERY trying to be in a hotel room with Micah. All he wanted to do was push buttons on the tv or the remote or take the phone off the hook or open the bathroom door-- drove us nuts. We were all tired from driving and being up late the night before, but he didn't want to go to sleep in a room with all of us there-- practically fell out of his little crib. Chad took him down to the lobby for a while. During the night, Micah was up several times. Ended up in bed with each of us for a while. No hotels for us for a while!


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