"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Chad took Micah on a boat ride on the C &O Canal.  Starts right in Williamsport.  They got this boat last year.  Free fun! Only 12 people can go, tho, and you have to reserve a time in person that morning.  Micah loved it-- he pretty much loves everything other than swimming.  :)
 There's a lot of green duckweed on the canal right now.  Makes for bright color in the pics!

 At one end of the trip, they got out to operate the lock and go in the lockhouse.

K Creation

A recent creation of Katie's

Friday, July 27, 2012

Cabin in Cabins, WV

 Lovely time at cabin-- Sun thru Wed. 
 Donut contest Gma planned.  Mmmm!

 Throwing rocks in river (North Fork of the South Branch of the Potomac)
 Hot tub we used a lot-- mornings and evenings
 Heading out on our big hike up Seneca Rocks.  Took us 2 hours and 20 min, I think.  About 1 1/2 miles up.  Down goes a lot faster. :)  Micah did terrific-- walked most of the way.  Katie could have turned around and done it again-- she hardly broke a sweat.  Claire and Jenna both were quite nervous about the dropoff that was usually near the edge of the path. 
 What a view!
 This is where Chad's mom marked her name in the wood.

 Gpa and Jenna went to take pics of the tubers.  Light rain then.  We also had heavy rain.

 Chad and Claire had a great time!

 The river after the rain-- wow!
 We had to check out at 11am, but we had one more game to play, so we stopped at this Ruritan pavilion down the road.  Played a little Guggenheim and ate a picnic lunch before we headed home. 


Stopped at the Rio Mall on our way to the cabin.  It's about an hour and a half from here?  We left WV, drove thru Winchester, VA, then back into WV.  It's still somewhat fascinating to me, even after all these years of living here, that we go in and out of states so often.  Still in my mind, that's something you do only on vacations.  However, I do that to get to the grocery store; and Chad and the kids do that every day to go to school.
 Obviously, the Rio Mall is a high-class junk collection.  If you want, you can dig thru and maybe find some treasures.  Our girls were so disgusted by the look and smell of things that they couldn't get past that and hunt for treasures.  They just wanted to get out of there. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Car Show

 Chad and Micah went to our church's carshow.  Amazing change from last year (sweltering heat)-- today it was 70's and drizzling.  We haven't turned the AC on all day.  Not that we haven't had some heat this year... he-he!
 They tried a racing simulator.

 Stopped at Kitchens to get me some corn and watermelon on the way home-- fed a calf some apple slices.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Jellystone Surprise

Chad surprised the girls with a trip to the Williamsport Jellystone (long drive!).

 Loving the waterslides!

Hotdog and marshmallow supper

Enjoying the cute little "camping cabin" (no bathroom-- pretty much just beds)

Watched some Cosby Show and Father Knows Best

They drove go-karts ("stop-karts", according to Claire)-- they are propelled by pedalling and she had a little trouble with them.