"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, August 29, 2011

Storm Week

This past week was interesting. First week of school. Our first earthquake and a bit of a hurricane. Nothing serious here, tho.

Earthquake was Tuesday afternoon. I was sitting in a quiet house since Micah had just gone to bed. Felt shaking and heard things rattling in the house. Nothing broke or even was dislodged.

Chad felt it at school-- he was on the phone with someone on the other side of MD who also felt it. Katie felt it in computer class at school, but Jenna and Claire didn't even know it had happened.

Hurricane Irene was a lot of talk for the last half of the week. Everyone wondering how bad it was going to be. Some places definitely did get wind and rain (our pastor's daughter near Baltimore had a tree uprooted in their yard; if it had fallen the other way it would have hit their daughter's bedroom), but here we just had some rain and a lot of clouds. The clouds on Sat were interesting to watch. I think we ended up with less than 1.5 inches rain.

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