"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, August 29, 2011

Birthday Girl

If you're on top of our family's bdays, you know Claire's is not until Oct. So, on Sat, she got to celebrate it in Aug for the first time! Chad's parents are leaving this week for 4 or so months in CA, so they decided to do Claire's presents early.

She had a lot of fun opening them-- I'm sure it took Gma a lot of time to prepare! She was excited to find a Pixie Hollow card and a gift card for Justice and a cute shirt... plus a bunch of little things like coins and gummy bears.

And even a Claire-style bday cake-- chocolate chip cake for the rest of us and angel food cake for her.

We'll miss Don and Anita while they are gone, but we're very excited that this is working out for them-- months of living near Nathan and Wendy and their kids, seeing her sibs (live 3 hours-ish away) and seeing Jer and Dani in CO and Anita's brother in Missouri on the way. Plus a bit of sightseeing.

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