"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hershey Park

We went to Hershey Park with Chad's parents last Wed. Weather was nice-- place was crowded-- rides were fun. Some long lines, tho!

These 3 got in on the biggest roller coasters-- Jenna wanted to, but she found out she's a bit too short for the biggest ones. She, however, did get to do the Comet and Wildcat.

This is the Farenheit. Sorry, you can't see the top. It starts out going straight up, there on the left. Then it goes more than straight down.

Claire had no desire for roller coasters, so she and Micah rode the kiddie rides, together much of the time. This is a mini pirate ship.

We enjoyed the sea lion in this show-- very smart! Fun to see it swim, hop onto the stage, and climb onto the box-- all with a ball balanced on its nose. At one point, the trainer had the sea lion bark to her, and then she replied to it. Claire was so amazed-- "Does she know sea lion language??"

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