"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, August 8, 2011

Appalachian Trail hike

Chad, Jenna, and Katie went on a hike with Jeff, Lauralyn, and Bekah. They were totally exhausted by the time they returned-- it turned out to be much longer than they had expected. And hard hiking on rocks either uphill or downhill.

Always fun to be with the Browns, of course, and the view at the top was wonderful, as you see. And they liked the ice cream reward afterward. :)

They started at Penmar Park (border of PA and MD). Went around 6 miles. Katie suffered a bee sting, and still had a great attitude. Jenna suffered from all sorts of things and was pretty vocal about it, I guess. In all fairness, tho, it was quite strenuous on a hot day.

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