"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

School! 2011-2012

Jenna's heading off to 4th grade with Miss Murphy, same teacher she had for 3rd grade! We're very excited that she can have Daneen 2 years in a row-- great teacher.

Claire's ready for 2nd grade with Mrs. Swacina, an older teacher in her 2nd year at Grace. Her husband helped started Tri-State Fellowship, the church next door to Grace. And he was the director at Cedar Ridge Children's Home many years ago. Margaret taught at Cedar Ridge (a school for "troubled" boys with major behavior problems) for many years. Surely she can handle Claire. :)

See Claire's cute sparkley shoes and floweredy backpack?

And Katie's off for her 8th grade year, last year in middle school!

Maybe you can't see it, but there's a Smart board at the front of Jenna's room (in most (all?) of the rooms at Grace, actually). Fun, interactive technology. Jenna said they use there's almost half of the day. When they come in each morning, they go up and "pop" the balloon with their name on it-- that's the way they are taking attendance this year.

Each of the girls had a great first day of school!

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